Registration Services
For Assistance Call: 905-887-5157
For Technical Help: 1-866-847-4762
Full Day Camp – The One Week Golf Camp caters to all juniors, regardless of skill level. This program provides the opportunity to learn and improve on all aspects of the game. From putting, to chipping and mastering the full swing all aspects of the game are covered in the camp. In addition to the fundamentals of the game, rules and etiquette of the game will also be taught.
Cost: $749 + tax = $846.37
Click here and download Junior Waiver Form. Must be filled in for each participant.
The Angus Glen Academy Policy on Missed classes: A student cannot join another class if he/she misses a class in keeping with our advertised student-to-teacher ratio and for liability reasons.Refund Policy:
*Below prices include tax. $3.33 online convenience fee added at checkout.